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Join us in the fight
hunger in Wyoming.

Change begins with you.

Learn more about specific programs and see where your donation can help. 

Donate to Food from the Farm + Ranch

Food from the Farm + Ranch is an innovative program that utilizes Wyoming agriculture to fight food insecurity in the state. Partnerships are key to the success of the program.


Food from the Farm + Ranch is an innovative program that utilizes Wyoming agriculture to fight food insecurity in the state. Partnerships are key to the success of the program.

Donate to Wyoming Angel Accounts

Wyoming Hunger Initiative is changing the narrative about school meal debt. We've resolved more than $100,000 of debt and we'll continue to seek sustainable solutions so no child ever needs to shoulder the burden of debt.


Wyoming Hunger Initiative exists to support the work of local anti-hunger organizations doing the work, and our grants program is responsive to their real and unique needs. 

Donate to Food from the Field

Food from the Field enables hunters to donate their game to be processed and donated to local food pantries, providing high-quality protein that benefits local families.

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Contributing to Wyoming Hunger Initiative's General Fund helps us stay agile, and allows us to earmark funding for the areas of greatest need. 

Donate to Project #ThankfulWyoming

Anti-hunger organizations working to reduce food insecurity are suddenly faced with new pressure on limited resources; bridging the gap by donating to help provide Thanksgiving meals helps tremendously.

Donate to Shop with a Cop

Wyoming Hunger Initiative proudly supports Shop with a Cop; your support enables holiday meal baskets to be provided at this special Christmas shopping event.


Food insecurity is too often an invisible problem in Wyoming and beyond. That's why we created our #heartsforhunger campaign to raise awareness and action.

"Thank you for the work you do. Six years ago when I was still a child I experienced homelessness and food insecurity. Not only have I overcome those circumstances, but I have thrived, gotten married, become a first-gen college grad, and a first-gen homeowner. Your work helps people like me, it helps perseverance stories like mine become more of the norm rather than the exception."
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