Hot Springs County
Wyoming 2-1-1
Sometimes Google isn't enough. When you aren't sure where to turn or even what questions to ask, a Community Resources Specialist can help you get the help you need. Visit Wyoming 2-1-1 online or simply call 2-1-1 and connect.
Community Services
If you, your family, or someone you know in the community needs additional support with groceries or meals, please refer to organizations working to meet the need in Hot Springs County. If not otherwise indicated, please call ahead for most updated hours and services.
328 Arapaho St.
Thermopolis, WY
The Cent$ible Nutrition program offers free in-person and online courses about healthy eating and lifestyles, budgeting tips, and more for qualifying individuals; scheduling is flexible, contact for more information.
Must be at or below 185% current Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG)
Angela Michel, Cent$ible Nutrition Educator
642 Arapahoe St.
Thermopolis, WY
People for People offers a meal every Sunday to people in need. Currently, teams deliver 65-70 meals. Additionally, People for People Backpack program offers backpacks of food to children on the weekend in Hot Springs County. Backpacks are delivered to all schools in the district between 8:00-10:00 a.m. every Friday. Meals are prepared and delivered every Sunday betweeen 12:00-1:00 p.m.
There are no financial requirements to receive a meal on Sundays.
Volunteer Need
Volunteers are needed to help unload the truck, help pack the bags of food, and deliver totes to the schools in the district. Volunteers are also needed to be on a team to provide meals, drive the meals, and help with deliveries from Food Bank of Wyoming. Please contact for more information.
Judy Carswell, Director
Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
Wyoming WIC is accepting new participants! Please fill out an online appointment form to get started.
Mental Health Services
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency or crisis, help is available 24 hours a day in Hot Springs County.
Call 9-1-1 or contact services near you:
• Hot Springs 24-hour access emergency line at (307) 864-3138
• Text "WYO" to 741-741 for the Crisis Text Line.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 1 (800) 273-8255 for free and confidential support.