We're excited to introduce you to Jack Pharoah, one of Wyoming's youngest anti-hunger warriors! He is living proof that you don't have to be a grownup to make an impact.

1. Tell us about yourself! What grade are you in, what are your favorite subjects in school, what do you like to do for fun?
I'm in 7th grade; my favorite subjects are gym, English and science. I enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons, being with friends, and writing in my books.
2. What made you get interested in the problem of food insecurity in the first place?
I saw a lot of homeless people on the streets of Salt Lake City and more in other towns without food or water, so I wanted to help.
3. How did you start Jack’s Box?
I had the idea of a free food drive from my front yard but then I got the idea of a wooden box from library boxes where you could just walk up and take a book. So I asked a friend of mine to build a box like that and instead of books, I stocked it with food.
4. What does a typical day/week/month look like for work with Jack’s Box?
Before COVID-19, I spent a few hours a week working on stocking my box and in the summertime I run my concession stand at least two weekends a month. However since March there is a definite rise in need so I spend at least two days a week getting food and giving it away. Now I travel to Casper every other Wednesday to get boxes of food and bring back to Greybull to give away. It takes 8 hours of travel time then at least four hours of giving away the food. Wednesday is a very long day for my family, so now I spend about 24 hours a week.

5. What is the community response to your work?
I think it is a mix of warmheartedness, hope, and generosity.

6. What advice do you have for other kids or adults about getting involved in a cause?
Take it slow and no matter how hard it gets, no matter how much you sweat or how much your muscles hurt, know you're doing a good thing and helping a good cause.
To learn more about Jack's Box and the impact Jack Pharoah is having on his local community, be sure to follow Jack's Box on Facebook!