Last March, Wyoming Hunger Initiative celebrated Wyoming School Breakfast Week with a visit to Johnson Junior High School in Cheyenne. A week after the visit, the pandemic hit, schools shut down all over the state, and uncertainty was everywhere: how would kids who relied on school meals—not just breakfast—get to eat every day?
Under the leadership of Nutrition Programs State Director Tamra Jackson and her amazing team of "Lunch Ladies," no child went hungry in any Wyoming school district. In fact, Wyoming was the only state in the United States to provide meals for all children 18 and under in every county and school district through the National School Lunch Program. From March 16-December 31, 2020, 4.5 million breakfasts, 7 million lunches, and 127,000 snacks were provided to Wyoming children.
Let that sink in.
Their efforts were nothing short of heroic and these superheroes are still serving meals, problem-solving, and ensuring Wyoming's schoolchildren are nourished. That's why this year we didn't just celebrate Wyoming School Breakfast Week, we celebrated Wyoming School Meal Hero Week!

The past year hasn't been an easy one, but the dedication and commitment to serve evidenced by each and every one of Wyoming's School Meal Heroes has helped see Wyoming through.
